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Slot Content

Default slot

When a default slot is used with VDatePicker, that content will display instead of the calendar picker.

Value:2/20/2025, 6:43:32 AM (Date)
  <VDatePicker v-model="date">
    <template #default="{ togglePopover }">
        class="px-3 py-2 bg-blue-500 text-sm text-white font-semibold rounded-md"
        Select date

In this simple example, we display a <button /> as the default slot, and use one of the slot props provided to toggle the calendar popover.

Slot props

The full date picker context is bound to the default slot. Here are a few props that might be useful for you.

interface DatePickerContext {
  // Value to bind to input element(s)
  inputValue: string | { start: string; end: string }; 
  // Events to bind to input element(s)
  inputEvents: object;
  // Popover show/hide methods
  showPopover: (opts?: Partial<PopoverOptions>) => void;
  hidePopover: (opts?: Partial<PopoverOptions>) => void;
  togglePopover: (opts: Partial<PopoverOptions>) => void;
  // ...,

Input element

To support date text entry, provide a custom input element as the default slot. VDatePicker provides formatting, parsing and event handling out of the box via the following slot props:

  • inputValue: The is the value you should bind to your input. This value will update as new dates are assigned and validated by the component.
  • inputEvents: These events include handlers for events that manage debounce, value updates and showing/hiding the popover (as specified via the popover prop).
Popover events

To exclude popover events from inputEvents, assign a falsy value to the popover prop.

Value:2/20/2025, 6:43:33 AM (Date)
  <VDatePicker v-model="date">
    <template #default="{ inputValue, inputEvents }">
      <BaseInput :value="inputValue" v-on="inputEvents" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const date = ref(new Date());

Range Inputs

When binding to a date range and providing custom input elements, the inputValue and inputEvents are split into separate start and end sub-properties.

Start:10/12/2020, 12:00:00 AM (date)
End:10/16/2020, 12:00:00 AM (date)
  <VDatePicker v-model="range" is-range>
    <template #default="{ inputValue, inputEvents }">
      <div class="flex justify-center items-center">
        <BaseInput :value="inputValue.start" v-on="inputEvents.start" />
        <IconArrowRight />
        <BaseInput :value="inputValue.end" v-on="inputEvents.end" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const range = ref({
  start: new Date(2020, 9, 12),
  end: new Date(2020, 9, 16),


Use the input-debounce prop (in milliseconds) to set a custom debounce duration. This example makes the input a little more responsive to text input by using a debounce of 500ms rather than the default 1000ms.

Value:2/20/2025, 6:43:33 AM (Date)
  <VDatePicker v-model="date" :input-debounce="500">
    <template #default="{ inputValue, inputEvents }">
      <BaseInput :value="inputValue" v-on="inputEvents" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const date = ref(new Date());

Disable Update On Input

To completely disable value updates as the user types, set the update-on-input prop to false. This will defer updates until the input's change event occurs.

Value:2/20/2025, 6:43:33 AM (Date)
  <VDatePicker v-model="date" :update-on-input="false">
    <template v-slot="{ inputValue, inputEvents }">
      <BaseInput :value="inputValue" v-on="inputEvents" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const date = ref(new Date());

Input Format


By default, the browser's detected locale will be used to format and parse the input text.

However, a locale prop can be provided to override this setting. This could be helpful if you store your user's locale in a database or want to force all user's to a specific locale.

Value:2/20/2025, 6:43:33 AM (Date)
  <VDatePicker v-model="date" :locale="locale">
    <template v-slot="{ inputValue, inputEvents }">
      <BaseInput :value="inputValue" v-on="inputEvents" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const date = ref(new Date());
const locale = ref(null);

// Fetch user's locale using custom API (eg. 'en-ZA')
locale.value = await api.getUserLocale();


Alternatively, if you wish to keep the locale, but just override the locale's input format, provide a custom mask via the masks.input prop.

Value:2/20/2025, 6:43:33 AM (Date)
  <VDatePicker v-model="date" :masks="masks">
    <template v-slot="{ inputValue, inputEvents }">
      <BaseInput :value="inputValue" v-on="inputEvents" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const date = ref(new Date());
const masks = ref({
  input: 'YYYY-MM-DD',

Please reference the masks section for a complete list of available mask tokens.


The popover prop determines how popover events are generated in the inputEvents slot prop.

type PopoverProp = boolean | Partial<PopoverOptions>;

interface PopoverOptions {
  visibility: PopoverVisibility; // When the popover appears
  placement: Placement; // Where the popover appears
  autoHide: boolean; // Auto-hide popover based on visibility
  showDelay: number; // Delay (ms) before popover is shown
  hideDelay: number; // Delay (ms) before popover is hidden

type PopoverVisibility = 'click' | 'hover' | 'hover-focus' | 'focus';

Default behavior

The popover prop is true by default, which means that the events will use the following default settings.

  visibility: 'hover-focus',
  autoHide: true,
  placement: 'bottom-start',
  showDelay: 0,
  hideDelay: 110,

Now, if the inputEvents have been properly bound to an input element, then the popover will display as the user interacts with the input popover.

Value:2/20/2025, 6:43:33 AM (Date)
  <VDatePicker v-model="date" :popover="popover">
    <template #default="{ inputValue, inputEvents }">
      <BaseInput :value="inputValue" v-on="inputEvents" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const date = ref(new Date());
const popover = ref(true);

Custom behavior

To customize this behavior, provide a custom PopoverOptions object.

Value:2/20/2025, 6:43:33 AM (Date)
  <VDatePicker v-model="date" :popover="popover">
    <template #default="{ inputValue, inputEvents }">
      <BaseInput :value="inputValue" v-on="inputEvents" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const date = ref(new Date());
const popover = ref({
  visibility: 'click',
  placement: 'right',

Manual Control

You may choose to not bind popover behavior to the inputEvents, or you may not be using an input element at all. In that case, you can manually show/hide the popover by using the provided slot prop functions.

  1. Assign a falsy value to the popover prop to unbind popover events from inputEvents.
  2. Extract the relevant popover methods needed (togglePopover, showPopover, hidePopover) to show/hide the popover manually.
Value:2/20/2025, 6:43:33 AM (Date)
  <VDatePicker v-model="date" :popover="false">
    <template #default="{ togglePopover, inputValue, inputEvents }">
        class="flex rounded-lg border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-600 overflow-hidden"
          class="flex justify-center items-center px-2 bg-accent-100 hover:bg-accent-200 text-accent-700 border-r border-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-accent-300 dark:border-gray-600 dark:hover:bg-gray-600"
          @click="() => togglePopover()"
          <IconCalendar class="w-5 h-5" />
          class="flex-grow px-2 py-1 bg-white dark:bg-gray-700"

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const date = ref(new Date());

See the date picker examples for more guidance on using these slot variables.

Released under the MIT License.